The legend of Princess Pucuk Bukit Kelumpang who comes from Bangka Belitung
The legend of Princess Pucuk Bukit Kelumpang

By laynakap 30 Jul 2024, 17:04:47 WIB Sejarah Indonesia
The legend of Princess Pucuk Bukit Kelumpang who comes from Bangka Belitung

Legenda Pucuk Bukit Kelumpang

This story tells the story of the King of Bangka, Sultan Mahmud Malim Dermawan, who really wanted a son to continue his throne. However, at an increasingly mature age, the king and his queen had not yet had children. Shiowla

Every night, they pray to Almighty God to give them children soon. They have also tried various methods, even having to drink concoctions from a healer. Unfortunately, the efforts of the king and empress have not borne fruit.

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To treat his anxiety, Sultan Mahmud Malim Dermawan often took up his hobby, namely hunting. One day, the king invited his advisor, Cik Abdilah, to hunt in the forest on Kelupang Hill. He also said goodbye to the empress to leave the palace. Shiowla

In the evening, the empress prayed to God to grant safety to her husband's entourage. Don't forget, he also asked for children. The Empress prayed while shedding tears.

On the other hand, on his way to hunt the king, he decided to rest. The king dreamed that he was visited by an old grandfather wearing a white robe. The grandfather's body was illuminated by a very bright light. Shiowla

The grandfather said that he was the guard of Kelupang Hill. The grandfather advised the king and his entourage not to damage or cut down trees in the forest on purpose. He also advised them not to hunt animals just for fun. If the king and his entourage follow the grandfather's orders, then goodness and good fortune will always accompany their lives.

Long story short, the king and his entourage returned to the palace. Unexpectedly, the empress gave the good news that she was pregnant. The king was very happy. He couldn't wait for the birth of his son. Shiowla

Month after month they went by. Until the time came for the empress to give birth. The entire palace became noisy to welcome the birth of the king and empress's first child. The birthing process went smoothly. The empress hugged her baby tightly while expressing gratitude and emotion. Then, the empress asked her servant to bring the baby before the king.

Sultan Mahmud Malim Dermawan happily held the baby. How shocked he was when he found out that the baby he was holding was a girl, not a boy. His face, which was originally smiling, suddenly turned bright red. He couldn't contain his disappointment. Situs Toto

The king also asked Cik Abdilah to throw the baby into the forest on Kelupang Hill. Cik Abdilah was surprised to hear the king's order. However, he did not have the power to refuse it. Carefully, Cik Abdilah took the baby girl into the forest. Under a big tree, Cik Abdilah placed the tiny baby in a thick blanket.

Hearing the king's order, the empress felt very sad. She did not believe that her husband would have the heart to commit such a cruel act. As time went by, the king regretted his decision. To forget this heartbreaking incident, Sultan Mahmud Malim Dermawan went hunting to Kelumpang Hill. Situs Toto

While he was busy hunting, the king was amazed to hear the sound of birds singing and decided to catch the bird. The king and his entourage then set a trap to catch the bird. However, with agility, the bird flew in circles to avoid the traps aimed at it.

The bird then flapped its wings and flew high towards the top of the hill. Quickly, the king moved to chase the bird up the hill. Arriving there, the king crept away, taking out golden chopsticks that had been laced with poison. Then, the king aimed the golden chopsticks, and it hit the base of the bird's leg. Shiowla

Sultan Mahmud Malim Dermawan was overjoyed and went to the source of the sound, where the bird had fallen. When he arrived at the location, he and his party felt confused because it was not a bird that they found, but a beautiful girl who was injured in her leg.

Gray marks were also seen on the girl's legs. Cik Abdilah, who saw the birthmark, remembered something. The birthmark was the same as that of a tiny baby girl he left in the forest. Cik Abdilah also believed that the bird was the incarnation of her daughter. Shiowla

Cik Abdilah then told the king. However, the king did not believe it at all. With a gasp, the girl said that she was the king's child who was abandoned in the forest eighteen years ago.

The king's surprise had not yet disappeared, suddenly the figure of the white-robed grandfather who had appeared in the king's dream appeared. The grandfather said that this girl was truly the king's daughter. The grandfather then emitted a bright light that illuminated the girl's body. Shiowla

Slowly, the girl's body floated into the air and changed into a large bird with a long, colorful tail. The big bird began to flap its wings wide and fly high. He issued a melodious chirp, as if the chirp was a farewell greeting to the king.

Sultan Mahmud Malik Dermawan could only resign himself to mourning the loss of his daughter. The beautiful feathered bird slowly flew away to the top of Kelumpang Hill. Until now, if you hear the melodious sound of birds chirping around Kelumpang Hill, many believe that it is the voice of the king's daughter incarnate. The princess was the one who looked after Bukit Kelumpang and was named Putri Pucuk Bukit Kelumpang. Situs Toto

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